knitting knews
So my latest WIP is a sheep. I don’t have a pic of it yet, I haven’t done much to speak of, just about two inches of fuzzy off-white fabric. I worked on it at the LYS the other day with a bunch of older women who were cracking me up. One was furiously finishing an afghan before her trip to Israel, and somehow talk turned to WWII and got very depressing. Oops. They were nice, though. I also bought some fuzzy yellow yarn to make a chick - I gotta scare up a pattern for that - and some sock yarn, which I will eventually post a pic of. It’s a weird self-patterning thing. I will tackle socks! Just as soon as I finish this here sheep.Anyway, since not all my FO’s made it into my blog yet, I thought I’d just put a few more pics here in this entry. Oh, and btw I have no idea why the text is weirdly sized in the last entry. This is weird stuff, this blogging business.So - my first striped project ever, from January this year: an ipod cozy. Of course, I got a new ipod, so the buttonhole headphone opening on the flap of this cozy is in the wrong place now. Whatever.
I made a blanket for my niece Dylan for her birthday. This picture shows the color nicely.
And this one shows the ribbon edging, but is a weird bluish color that is unlike the actual lavender color of the blanket.
My daughter and Mr. Teddy in their matching scarves early this year:
I suppose that’s good for now.
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