I’m getting pissed off at my sheep. I stuffed the body, and it looks not as weird as I expected. Before I stuffed it, it looked like the neck was going to be way too long for the body and I was going to have to pass this off as some sort of achondroplastic llama or something. But that doesn’t seem to be a huge issue. HOWEVER, having just finished knitting the face/head, I can’t quite figure out how that’s going to attach on without looking something like a raisin stuck to a beach ball. How’s that for a mental image? The 13.5 mm eyes I ordered from crscrafts aren’t here yet, so I haven’t made up the head (gotta put the eyes on before I stuff it), so maybe it will all become clear (Grasshopper) in the future.The sheep is pissing me off so much, I am about to start the socks. However, I am thinking instead of just taking a short knitting break (don’t panic - just the rest of today and perhaps part of tomorrow) and clearing my head.In other knitting news, my mom bought yarn and needles to start a top. My mom taught me to knit, lo these many years.... yet, she tells me she hasn’t started this top because she doesn’t know how to cast on “the way the yarn lady did.” Mmmm. What kind of cast on was it, I asked. She doesn’t know. She wants me to show it to her. WTF?I have decided, btw, that I also want to knit a turtle washcloth. Soon. VERY soon.OH - and my animals all came to work with me on Wednesday and were a big hit :)