a day at the office
I’m a veterinarian.
In my office today I saw a lovely 81 year old woman who unfortunately had to have me euthanize her canine companions. She was wearing a beautiful handknit (by her) jacket (chanel-type cut and buttons, except a very bright pink and orange and beige variegated yarn had been used) and during the course of my trying to comfort her I mentioned that I found knitting to be a comfort. Wouldn’t you know it, she got more agitated and explained that her beloved LYS had recently closed and she didn’t have one close by her home any more. I told her where I went and she remarked that they are nice there, but it is too far a schlep for her at 81 yrs old, and also there is no one there who groks sweaters like the recently retired proprieter of her prior LYS - which is true. I felt so bad for her. To cheer her up a little bit, I showed her the hat for my nephew, which I had just finished that morning (I even used suture scissors to trim the ends of the tassel). it worked - she smiled! I still felt horrible, though. and she was crying again when she left, holding two empty leashes and collars.

In my office today I saw a lovely 81 year old woman who unfortunately had to have me euthanize her canine companions. She was wearing a beautiful handknit (by her) jacket (chanel-type cut and buttons, except a very bright pink and orange and beige variegated yarn had been used) and during the course of my trying to comfort her I mentioned that I found knitting to be a comfort. Wouldn’t you know it, she got more agitated and explained that her beloved LYS had recently closed and she didn’t have one close by her home any more. I told her where I went and she remarked that they are nice there, but it is too far a schlep for her at 81 yrs old, and also there is no one there who groks sweaters like the recently retired proprieter of her prior LYS - which is true. I felt so bad for her. To cheer her up a little bit, I showed her the hat for my nephew, which I had just finished that morning (I even used suture scissors to trim the ends of the tassel). it worked - she smiled! I still felt horrible, though. and she was crying again when she left, holding two empty leashes and collars.

Both 'puppies' at once? That poor, poor woman. I just found a home for a kitten I'd been fostering -- she was the fifth cat in the house, but it stills feels a little empty without her here -- I can only imagine how horribly empty that woman's house is feeling today. Happy New Year, indeed.
(On a snarky note, that yarn sounds horrid. Did the bright pink/orange/beige somehow work well? How awful am I that I'm wishing -in the midst of her tragedy- that you'd managed to get a picture of her coat on your cell phone so I could (possibly) make fun of it? I am going straight to hell, no doubt.)
If she's near Glenside, my friend just opened a sewing shop that sells some yarn -- I don't think they grok sweaters, but she could find other crafty little old ladies there . . .
And on yet another side note . . . now I know who to hit up for advice on my geriatric-thyroid-impaired-cat. (Kidding!) I don't suppose you treat rats? There seems to be a lack of rat vets-- I have a friend who does rescue in Chestnut Hill & can't find a good vet close by.
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